hi guys! ehy guest what. this is my 60th post! WOW?
kk , these few days were damn fun. it all started from thursday. jalan raya with friends ah kan.. fri too. then fri night alik kampung. sat jumpe irfan. amik gambar die belambak SIOL! kk , then just now was the bomb! HAZLINAH . AMALINA . MEL . were the best. lyyn , esok ingat tau! temankan aku jumpe die. && i bought 2 rings. black. plastic. jyeah. okay , tomorrow will be going to mel's house. confirm best! lagipun nk kene buat tu project ah! leceh betul! LYYN! CRUMPLET!
you think you know me.
Loves things that makes her feel relaxed. Mood swings~ Not good at art, but loves to make it a place to express my feelings and thoughts. Fragile
you think you know me.
Loves things that makes her feel relaxed. Mood swings~ Not good at art, but loves to make it a place to express my feelings and thoughts. Fragile