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Wednesday, June 10, 2009
training @ Wednesday, June 10, 2009
training was damn tiring men!
and when i got home, i cant even sleep!
ooo, i saw zaki just now(:
cute lah that lil fella
saw jia qi too, but i didnt know she was there, so didnt get to say hi.
then, showered at home, afifah msg-ed.
asked to accompany her.
k lah fine, cool!
friday, training, need to bring thermometer cause of that stupid H1N1 thingy.
we were 'shot' men just now!
ohh yah, went to mac just now, after training with nad, jan, nin, yi hui and li hua.
we went in, abg and his 'gang' left.
then he called and asked to buy 2 double cheese for him.
so, i used arvinds money first lah hah.
then, went to park with yi hui to pass the burgers to abg.
he walks so slowly men!
haha, then when i was in the train, he msg-ed me saying that his phone dropped.